圖像思考的語言,5種在職場上幫助你溝通的圖像思考 - Visual language, 5 visuals to help communicate with others at work

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策略規劃問 “我們該去哪裡?” ------定位矩陣









我們知道了該往哪裡發展,以及能賺多少錢,接下來我們要專注在買我們商品的客戶上。根據IDEO設計事務所總經理Tim Brown發表的“設計思維“方法,設計師會先嘗試在紙上畫出客戶的特質,客戶遇到什麼困難,以及他們過去經驗為何。


因此,如果你哪天需要說服一位設計師上體育館,而說做運動對身體多好沒有用時,不如談談體育館裡面形形色色的人們:有愛自拍的肌肉男,獨自做瑜伽的女孩,愛聽電子舞曲的阿嬤,和愛碎碎唸的老頭。人才是設計師最感興趣的對象,因此給他們一個他們要設計的客戶的 “印象圖”,最能打動設計師。










There is a saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Human beings are attracted to visual images, might be because our ancestors relied on their visuals memories to remember the way home after a long day hunting and gathering. We are the descendant of the ones with superior visual memory, and probably not from the ones that forgot to “turn right at the big oak tree” and got lost in the forest.

When I first started working, I was first given the role as a product specialist, then as a product manager. Through the roles, I learned how to manoeuvre myself between departments: Business Development, Finance, Engineers and Sales, to gain their support and bring a product from paper to life. 

Every different departments had their own view on “the right way to do things”. And I learned the best way to get people onboard, is to get to know how their mind works and speak their “visual language”.

By presenting my ideas in a way that fits to a mental image someone is familiar with, I tend to get my idea across faster, and receive more feedback.  If we boil it down, there are five types of mental visuals that are most used in daily work.  

Strategists asks “Where do we play?” ——The positioning matrix

Strategy people, be it business development or corporate strategy, like to look at positioning matrix to where could they exploit. They view the world as a map of gold, with business miners fighting for the best mining spots. That is why the traditional 2 by 2 matrix resonates with Strategists so much, as the matrix shows strategist“where is the undiscovered gold” and “where should we give up”. Nothing excites a strategist more when they see a spot on the matrix marked as “low hanging fruits”, meaning lots of business potentials with low amount of work involved.

Matrix is a good way to plot out all the options, and decide where to allocate resources. Say you want to convince a strategist to decide which restaurant to go to during holiday. You define “distance” “price” and “reviews” are important for them. Then plot out “cost of meal vs distance from hotel” and throw in some bubble size representing “positive review online”. Now you have a great chart to convince strategist to try out a new restaurant by saying “How about this this place, its not too far, with lots of good reviews considering its price range?”

Finance asks “How much?”—— The cash flow chart

Finance is all about cash flow. Businesses could be successful on the surface taking in big orders, but under the surface they could be starving on cash flow, with money held up in unsold product on the shelf or unpaid invoices at the customers. That is why the concept of “time value of money” is fundamental for modern finance. 

The cash flow chart, which indicates the net flow of cash over time, is used by finance people to calculate important indicators such as NPV (Net Present Value) and ROI (Return on Investment) and even stock prices. Essentially, finance people try to calculate the net worth of a subject, and translates it to meaningful insights for decision making.

Even customers could be viewed as a investment, with concepts like “customer lifetime value” which evaluates the cost of acquiring a customer, the money a customers will bring back over a certain time frame, and even estimate how many new customer each happy customer brings back via word of mouth.

When trying to convince a finance person on a topic, say buying a family car, plot down the short and long term benefits in numbers, and compare them to the cost today. For example, a slightly pricier fuel saving car could save you more money down the road. The cash flow chart could prove you right in front of finance people that a little more investment goes a long way in the future. 

Designers ask “Who is the customer?”—— The persona map

Even if we knew where to play and how much money we could make, we still need to focus on understand the customer we are trying to sell to. Following the “design thinking” methodology, coined by IDEO Tim Brown, designers try to plot down the customers on a map, on what kind of personalities, difficulties and experiences a customer could have.

The map could be illustrated many ways, but most of the time in the form of a story, with the customer as the protagonist trying to overcome life’s difficulties. For example, the “empathy map” plots down what a customer hears, sees, speaks and thinks about. The “experience map” plots down how customers interact with a product or a service to overcome life’ difficulties. After this deep dive, the creative process begins on how can we influence this map. This could be done by changing customers’ mindset with targeted campaigns, or making the experience more pleasurable with new products. 

Therefore if you ever need to persuade a designer to go to a gym, instead talking about all the health benefits, talk about all the different people you could observe there: The selfie macho guy, the solo yoga lady, the disco grandma, the chatter grandpa—every time you go to the gym, there is someone new to observe. People are the most interesting part for a designer, so give them a mental “picture” of who is the customer we are trying to serve.

Engineers ask “What should be done?” —— Mind maps

Engineers are a special breed of people. I can say that because I am one myself. We are trained to solve problems, be it putting people on the moon or drilling for oil under the sea. Engineers believe that for every problem, a device could be built to overcome it. So the best way to convince an engineer to spring into action, is by breaking down the problem and the device that solves it.

Mind maps are a great way to break down a subject, giving birth to terms such as “fish bone chart” and “system thinking”. These charts uses diagrams and lines to show the relationship between different parts, how each parts could be assembled to reach the end goal, and estimate how much time and money are needed to finish the project.

For engineers, mind maps walk them through the logic behind a task and how the task fits in the bigger picture. This gives them a sense of importance and urgency of the task. You do not want to be the person holding up “the grand scheme of things”, do you?

That is why if I go shopping for a new jacket, the information tag is the first thing that attracts me: Is it waterproof? Is it breathable? How much is it? Where is it made? What material is it? After the jacket meets my “product requirements” for commuting to work, I will then try it on and see if the size fits. As an engineer, shopping for clothes is simply a task to find the product that meets my specification. 

Sales and Marketing ask “How many customer?”—— The funnel map

Successful sales or marketing functions prize themselves for their ability to sell, whatever the product may be. They know how to craft the message for different people, and provide just the right product for them. The essence is how much time they could spend, since they will like to spend their time only on customers that will contribute more growth then others.

The funnel map is a tool to help visualise all the potential customers a product could reach. It could been seen as a customer conversion journey, from prospects, confirmed leads, new customers to loyal clients. But the funnel expands this journey from one person to all customers, like a snap shot of a triathlon with people in different phases of the run. In this view, sales and marketing are the modulator of the customer conversion triathlon, making sure more and more people can reach the finish line. 

The funnel map could be used not just for customer conversion, but also to describe how strict the selection process of a premium product could be. Take the example of premium champaign: one selected region in France, with carefully picked grapes, brewed and mixed by a few specialist, bottled with limited number every year and sold by a champaign house that survived decades. Each levels of “selection” filter, adds to the premium image surrounding the product and to the price tag as well.

The phase “lost in translation” represents the gap between different languages that could not be translated directly one-to-one. That is why learning a new language is often a door openers to new ways of thinking. I would argue that in the world of visual thinking, there is also different languages among different fields, that supports the common wisdom within that field. By learning new visuals, you enter the world of that field and see how their minds operate. Luckily, the language of visuals does not involve tongue twisters and alphabets, but simply a curious mind and a drawing board to start.

Copyright 2017 EricaShaneView. All rights reserved.


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